Welcome to Bible Baptist Church
Reaching the world with the good news of Jesus Christ

Prayer (Auditorium) 9:45am
Worship Service (Auditorium) 10:30am
(Junior Church ages 3-6th grade dismissed from auditorium prior to sermon)
PM service (Auditorium) 5:30pm
*Nursery (0-3 years) available for all services. Check-in downstairs.
K3-6th grade Kings Clubs (Gym) 6:30pm
7th-12th Youth Group (Downstairs Teen Room) 6:30pm
Adult Prayer Meeting (Auditorium) 6:30pm
Services Times
Our Church
Come find out more about
the story of God’s
amazing work in
building his church
What We Believe
Our foundational doctrines and our common belief that unites us

Upcoming Events
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